Pahlajanis’ IVF: Making the dreams of parenthood come true
Pahlajani’s IVF Centre is a place where team of experts aim to provide the best of expertise and low cost IVF treatment.
Understanding IVF
As known to many, a couple is considered to be infertile when they are unable to conceive even after trying continuously for one to one-and-half years.
Experts explain that ‘In Vitro Fertilization’ (IVF) is an assisted reproductive technique in which eggs collected from ovaries are fertilized with the sperm in a lab. The fertilized egg (now embryo) is then transferred into the woman’s uterus after allowing the embryo to grow in a protected place for few days (called Blastocyst stage).In cases where there are issues related to sperm quality, the process of fertilizations is carried out by a process called Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI).
While both men and women are equally likely to have fertility issues, their causes can sometimes be same or different. Prior surgeries or cancer treatments, hormonal imbalance, etc. are some common reasons of infertility in both, whereas there are some different causes mentioned below -
How Pahlajani’s IVF Centre Helps?
Pahlajani’s IVF has a team of experienced infertility specialists, embryologists, sonologists, etc. who are dedicated to providing extensive care to their patients and assure positive results.
After examining the correct cause of infertility, the medical experts select an appropriate treatment procedure keeping in mind the age, and years since the couple has been married.
Dr. Neeraj Pahlajani an infertility specialist and her team at Pahlajani’s IVF Centre, have been helping couples fulfil their dreams of parenthood. Providing infertility treatments for years, the team assures

Few treatments under IVF include –
- Intrauterine insemination (IUI)– This process is often opted when investigation shows no fertility problems in a woman, but problems in men like low sperm count/quality, abnormalities of ejaculation, or with donor sperm, etc.
- In vitro fertilization (IVF) - IVF is widely used method, that is carried out when both fallopian tubes are blocked. Best quality sperms are inserted inside the uterus around the time that the egg is being released. IVF is also used for conditions such as: Endometriosis, unexplained infertility, cervical factor infertility, male factor infertility, ovulation disorders, etc.
- Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)– This treatment is recommended for couples when the sperm quality is poor enough to perform traditional IVF, high levels of anti-sperm antibodies are present, or prior IVF attempts have failed. ICSI can improve the likelihood of fertilization.
- Blastocyst transfer – As mentioned earlier, this technique allows embryos to grow outside the body, usually five to six days, before transfer. Embryos that develop in the blastocyst stage are more likely to give positive results than those transferred earlier.
- Assisted hatching–Women over the age of ~38 who have undergone repeatedly failed implantation are recommended to undergo assisted hatching. This process helps the embryo hatch out of its outer shell, necessary for implantation and the establishment of pregnancy.
- Donor oocytes - Donor oocytes (eggs) are for patients who cannot conceive using their own eggs. This process allows recipients to get pregnant with a baby who is biologically related to one parent.
- Egg removal–Generally, eggs are retrieved from mature follicles seen on ultrasound. In this egg removal process, a needle, guided by ultrasound is inserted through the vaginal wall into the sac of fluid containing the eggs.
Cost of IVF Treatments :
The cost of IVF Treatments in Raipur, Chhattisgarh varies from hospital to hospital. Pahlajani’s IVF centre is the best place for getting this treatment done at a low and affordable cost. Pahlajani’s IVF centre promises to offer the best IVF Treatment cost throughout India. Having around six branches of IVF Centres across India, Pahlajani’s IVF Hospital has been providing high standards in delivering the best solutions for the couples.
With renowned fertility experts, IVF specialists, and other medical staff, Pahlajani’s IVF Hospital has an unrivalled success rate. Our experts also offer counselling and financial assistance when needed in some cases. As a team, we always uphold our promise to provide consistent and ethical fertility treatments. Connect with our team for more details.