Infertility Workup: First Step to Understanding Fertility Issues
When a woman, even after trying naturally continuously for 1-1.5 years, cannot conceive, she is believed to be having fertility issues. Reasons like obesity, PCOD/PCOS, insulin resistance, etc. can be the cause behind this deficiency.
But how do you know what is the reason behind your infertility condition ?
By ‘Infertility Workup’.
The exact infertility problem is diagnosed through ‘workup tests’ that are done by an infertility specialist. At Pahlajani’s IVF, a few tests are recommended to the couple before they are suggested any proper fertility treatment.

What tests are included in Infertility Workups?
To determine the exact deficiency, infertility experts may ask you to undergo a few tests including enquiring some questions related to your medical conditions like –
- Duration of infertility – How many years have you been trying to conceive naturally or have failed any fertility treatment (if undertook any).
- Menstrual History – Are your periods and the flow regular?
- Information about previous pregnancies – Have you had a baby earlier? If yes, was it naturally conceived or by fertility treatment? Any miscarriages/abortions?
- Frequency of intercourse – How often do you try, and do you face any difficulty during the process?
- Diet related queries – Do you consume alcohol/cigarette, if yes, how often?
- Family History – If you or your partner has any genetic issues?
The experts also ask patients to go through some physical examination like –
- Basic tests like BPI, Sugar, Thyroid, etc.
- Pelvic examination – To check if you are physically fit to conceive a baby.
- Other tests like – Symptoms of PCOD/PCOS, etc.
Examining the patient thoroughly for any deficiency minutely is a vital task and clinics performing fertility treatment should make sure no mishandlings happen. We at Pahlajani’s IVF ensure our patients for a transparent investigation and quick and reliable results, assistance from a counsellor, and a diet chart from the dietician for a healthy pregnancy phase.
Further investigations in the infertility workup include –
- Laboratory and imaging tests would provide vital information to the infertility experts and decision-makers to recommend a correct treatment.
- Ovarian conditions (structure, function, etc.) of the female will be noticed minutely during these investigations.
- Fallopian tube plays a vital role in the pregnancy process, and hence, examining the condition of fallopian tubes is necessary.
There are many other tests that an infertility expert can ask a patient to go through, depending on prior results. But the team at Pahlajani’s IVF makes sure that the task is completely patient friendly. All the requirements will be collected at once, so that the patient doesn’t have to visit the clinic again and again.
Benefits of Infertility Workup
Infertility workup consists of tests that allow the gynaecologists, and other medical experts to act on the exact problem at the right time, as per the diagnosis.
For instance, if the patient has PCOD/PCOS or any such issue, the best gynaecologists at Pahlajani’s IVF would offer a perfect solution for that cure that would further aid in healthy and successful pregnancy.
Or if the patient has a blocked fallopian tube, that may be treatedduring HSG or laparoscopy.
Once the experts know the cause behind infertility, a perfect-match treatment can be offered to the patient. Yes, there are also minor chances where no particular cause of infertility is noticed. At that time, fertility experts offer treatments accordingly.
For further assistance, and treatment suggestions, visit Pahlajani’s IVF, Raipur.